I heard The Musers promo for their XMas party segment on Wednesday. I sent them the following email:
Had to contribute this timely tale to you "Do's and Don't at the office XMAS Party" segment.
Was at the wife's on Saturday night. Just knocking down cocktails and talking about the weather with strangers. My wife pointed out a girl on the dance floor who was notorious for lettin er' rip at company functions. She was a short, stocky brunette with sort of a Liberty Bell build. A Snooky. As the only girl there in an all white dress, she was easy to spot at any given moment, so I kept an eye on her. Apparently, the caterers didn't have shot glasses, so this girl was shooting her tequila out of a champagne glass. 3 to 1 ratio and all. She was just getting hammered and grinding on every guy that ventured into her arms reach. After a hell of a long run staying upright, the Herradura got the best of her and down she went. She'd stagger to her feet for a few minutes then down again. Just a mess. She even dragged a guy or two down with her on a couple occasions. Apparently, depending on your angle, these wipe-outs sometimes revealed a bonus holiday treat, she's going commando this evening! So, some higher ups at the company begin to take notice of her general behavior and the fact that Mariner's reliever Charlie Furbush had apparently crashed the party. She's asked to take it easy and lay off the sauce, maybe take a seat. These mistimed requests unfortunately coincided with the opening notes of Young MC's "Bust a Move", which won her attention immediately. She was escorted out of the party by her boss who she reportedly took a couple backhanded swipes at on their way to the front door. Found out today that she got fired.
After hearing about her firing today, my wife learned that apparently 2 years ago at the company Xmas party, she was also commando whilst she shit herself.