CDS MESSAGE BOARD > Why I No Longer Work For The Mavs
I checked here yesterday curious of this very thing. Glad to hear you are pursuing a dream. That is a big step that many never take. Best of luck to you and looking forward to more videos.

Thanks Brad,
I'm really nervously's like one of those things that you are PRETTY sure is going to work out REALLY well...but still, you've got to step out into the void for it to happen.
It's going to a pretty wicked 2013-14 coming up...and for the show as well...
We've got a shit-ton of ideas in the hopper that we can't wait to get to...
And if you, or anyone, wants to ask questions about the show, I'll get into whatever...

'will open it's doors in the coming weeks'
Can I be your company's editor?

The first editor, Jason Seely, has already been more and bigger projects come in the door, we will be hiring the best possible freelance editors to come in and help with projects...
So always send me your best stuff and I'll keep you in mind....

Vaya Con Dios......Dinero!!!

Well, no, actually I'm fine...when people say that to other people they are normally shoveling dirt on their coffin and the like...
I'd much prefer a "Go get 'em champ!"...or even a "See ya in the next life" ala Swayze in Point Break..but, whatever...

If you need a female ambassador that is overpaid just to exist, let me know. I'm down. :)

I need that.

So in case you haven't noticed yet, we Sirois boys aren't real comfortable with talking about when the topic came up last Saturday about me leaving the Mavericks in the mix with The Orphanage (which I consider to be WAY up there in my power rankings of Favorite 20-Minute Chunks of the Week), I backed off..
But, whats the point of doing something if you are going to be completely silent? And so, why not put it the depths of our minuscule little message board...on a page of our tiny little web site? That way, only the people that care enough to find this dark little corner of the internet get paid off with some little personal bit of information...
After 4 1/2 years I looked at the best job I've ever had and decided I didn't want it anymore. Now, listen (that was for Machine), I wrote that last sentence the way that I did intentionally. Of course I "wanted" it...creating videos for Mavs fans inside the AAC is a freaking dream job...I wanted it in the first place, and I don't ever want to stop doing it...but I needed a change.
So for the last several months I looked for a way to continue doing just that, but also reach out and grow...and morph into whatever the next incarnation of what I'm going to be will be...
Right now would be a good time to take a quick :20 timeout and talk about the show. Working with my brother is the single best opportunity I've ever had in my life...and the fact that we've gotten so much support from the P1's just makes it all that much harder to believe that we get to keep doing shows....
We get to do what? They keep listening? The bosses haven't pulled the plug?
I promise you that, without speaking to him, I speak for Mike in saying that we are both certain somebody is going to find out about us any day now and the show will be yanked, just for existing...and everyone associated with keeping it on the air will be fired and lose all ability to work in the radio industry forever....
But back to the point...
Much like the late, great Danny Balis...I have cashed in my 401k and maxed out my credit cards to start my own company. "The Well"... my Creative Production company will open it's doors in the coming weeks....
If you need kick-ass video contact for your company, a viral video, a :30 spot, a full marketing can come to "The Well"...and you'll find what you need...(we don't even have a website up and running yet)
You get the idea...
The point is that, with the help of my good friend (and partner) Jason Seely, we'll be able to bring to your company the same level of creativity and video excellence that you've seen at a Mavs game....OH....and we'll still be able to make videos for the Mavs, which is what was so appealing about the job in the first place.
The recent Dirk/Geico/Camel spot that has blown up over the past 24 hours was my swan song with the Mavs. My last shoot. So I decided to go out Hitchcock style and make a cameo...
Long story short is that I've started to get questions when people hear I don't work at the Mavs anymore...some even thought I left under bad circumstances...couldn't be farther from the truth...
It was VERY emotional for me to leave last Friday...
...let's be honest....
...I'm never gonna make enough money to get Queso's off the ground until I start building a mountain of cash....and you gotta be your own boss to do that.