I have recently been made aware that some in the lame-stream media (eg: The Hardline Radio Show on KTCK-Sportsradio 1310 The Ticket) have shown an interest on how my wife any I have chosen to decorate our home and spend our hard earned wages. I find it interesting that in an age when the common and hard-working Average Joe finds big government intrusion into his life so distasteful, this MASSIVELY popular radio program feels it’s ok to flex their considerable muscles in the direction of my personal home décor choices.
Yes…it’s true…I am building a bar in my home….however:
Websters defines a wet bar as a bar for mixing drinks (as in a home) that contains a sink with running water.
So, while, for my choice, I have been painted at a moustachioed, open shirted, hairy chested, gold medallion wearing, roofie-colada serving predator…….it is clear that I am not.
Sirs…KNOW THIS FACT! My bar will NOT have running water! It will include a sink with a drain that can be filled with ice and beers or bottles of wine and drain itself…ALL CLASS!
So before Mike “The Old Grey Wolf” Rhyner and Corby “Snake” Davidson cast the first stone at what very well could be a mirrored backsplash with glass shelves (and some backlighting that may have a apricot tint), let themselves ask themselves this question:
If you don’t want me to complete work on my bar, where exactly am I supposed to put the 10 freaking cases of Woodford Reserve that you freaks brainwashed me into buying?
Cash Sirois
PS – I have included a few pictures of what my bar, when completed, might hopefully look like…
Reader Comments (1)
so you're saying there's no roofie-coladas? well, pardon me while i navigate away from this page now...